My life is not on rails

Its kind of fascinating the changes you make at different parts of your life. When I was 14 I felt like I was basically an adult and already knew everything. In many ways I was right - I was mostly fully formed. I could make decisions, and I could learn…

Boilerplate Part 1 - History

So I sort of made a simulator for a new kind of CPU... A few years ago another UNSW student (David Collien) wanted a way to teach hardware design to students. Breadboards and wires are sort of annoying, but there's lots of other ways you can make a logic gate.…

Email culture

I just got a forwarded email from my mum which used a gawdy purple size 18 text to say this, linking to some youtube video: Human ingenuity knows no limits. Make sure speakers are on. Sit back and take it all in. Enjoy! I want to ask mum whats up…

Secure Email

Sending email securely is such a mess. Even PGP isn't good enough because it leaks metadata about who I'm contacting, when, and how much I'm saying. I'm really bothered by that and I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I think my ideal setup would be something like this:…

Identity crisis on the web

I went to IndieWebCamp drinks the other night and chatted to those guys about my ideas for KeyKitten. We ended up chatting about what your main identity should be on the web. The two candidates are your email address ([email protected]) or a URL, which for us techie people…

Chipmunk in ASM.JS

I'm not sold on emscripten. Its a cool idea, and its impressive that it works at all, but its output seems really stupid. For example, take this C function: cpFloat cpMomentForCircle(cpFloat m, cpFloat r1, cpFloat r2, cpVect offset) { return m*(0.5f*(r1*r1 + r2*r2) + cpvlengthsq(offset)); } This…